Advance Praise for

"I knew that one day Robert would do something great with his life... Looks like I was right." -Geoffrey Schoolar, German teacher
"I was itching to hire whoever's behind this website as soon as the color scheme loaded." -Jesse Safran, employer
"How tricky would it be to restart the calendar at 0 to mark this occasion? Can some one look into that?" -Richard Branson, rebel historian.
"...There's hardly any of the content he promised in his project proposal... but Jesus Christ does this kid ever know how to tear it up with Adobe Photoshop..." -Florian Wiencek, professor
"I really wish Robert would let me see his Facebook profile again, but this will have to do in the meantime." -Tina Zaleski, mother
"I was in Rob's stand up comedy class two summers ago. He was always a hoot! The site looks great!" -Alex Ellinport, classmate
"Mark my words: This is the next Facebook." -Ben Shantz, futurist
"Your movies on your site remind me of the joy that is to grab a person's face. Thank you for that." -Janos Kovacsi, film director
"Yeh, it's coming along quite nice."  -Hunter Douglas, roommate
"We've got a minute while this thing loads... I was thinking maybe now I tell you a little bit about global warming?" -Al Gore
"In my 22 years of life, I've never seen so much material that I could relate to in an artist's body of work." -Rob Zaleski, art critic
"Awesome. Just totally awesome. Impossibly good content with an impossibly high JPM." -Jonathan Wilkins, former Adidas rep
When I first visited, I could just tell I was in exactly the right place..." -Felix Wilbergh, gut-follower
"Super bummed I didn't hang on a little longer to weigh in on this." -Roger Ebert, dead critic
"Rob's whole 'fake reviews' gag seems like it's a bit played out at this point. Didn't he already make this joke at the 'climax' of Facegrabber?" -Allen Lott, lairhusband
"Yeah he did...And hanging a lampshade on his cheap joke in some kinda self-aware shield against criticism doesn't make it any better. If anything it makes it worse." -Richard Wadd, sheriff
"Yeah dude this is sick... I hope you actually do start making beats some day tho." -Ciaran O'Connor, life coach
"He honestly should have just let me go to the regular market." -Gabby Miller, adulterous shiv wound victim
"Oooooo ok he's the guy who did the LOYO video right? haha I love LOYO that was great." -Blair Ballard, music fan
"Rob Zaleski?! I know what he's up to, and I don't like it... NOT ONE BIT!" -Andre Firebeard, pirate
"Wait wait wait is that picture like sayin' I'm the president? I'm havin a hard time rapping my head around tha-- WOOP HOL UP SEIZURE!" -Lil Wayne, rapper